Organic product FAQ
What does organic mean? +
Organic agriculture is more than just spray or residue free. It is a holistic style of farming where the health of the soil and environment is prioritised, including the surrounding flora and fauna. Farmers provide positive care for the environment by focusing on the long-term health of their land, waterways, soil and livestock rather than the short term gain. They use innovative and modern farming techniques to control pest and disease.
Organic production means to produce products that are made without genetic modification (GMO's), the routine use of synthetic pesticides or herbicides, animals have been treated fairly and rural communities have been united and empowered along the way. Organic production is the only sustainable option for benefiting ourselves, our environment and future generations.
What is the difference between organic and certified organic? +
Certified organic products have been checked, audited and certified by a trusted certification agency. PureNature is certifed organic by BioGro New Zealand, you can view download our certificate. In New Zealand, you can’t trust an organic product as authentic unless it has a certification logo like the BioGro logo on the packaging. It is important to beware of imitations – products that say they are organic but are not certified may not be able to prove that the product they are supplying is genuinely organic.
What products does PureNature sell that are certified organic? +
Any product that displays the BioGro logo (View an example) is certifed organic. You can also see the full list on the annex of our organic certificate which you can download here.